Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Do we really need an islamic Accounting ??

Islam is an Arabic word which means peace and submission to Allah. A follower of Islam is called a Muslim. Islam is a complete religion which has mentioned in Holy Koran, Al Maidah (5): 3 This day I have perfected your religion for you, completed My favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion. Because of that Islam do not leave his followers alone to strive the life. Instead, Islam has tought his ummah every single acts and behaves, from the very little to huge problems.
Naturally, Allah has created everything in pairs and needing each other. Mu’amalah ‘amah is the way how human interacts between each other. Mu’amalah’ amah includes marriage and family, commercial transaction, punishment and so on. Muslims are not only required to be good in their relationship with Allah (Hablum Minnallah), but they are also must be good in horizontal accountability to human being (Hablum Minannas). Besides, all such behaves they have done will be accountability in the hereafter. The different between Muslim and non Muslim is Muslims believe there is the Day of Judgment, whilst non Muslims do not.
Transcendental accountability to God can be done easily by doing ‘amal sholeh. On the other hand, relationship with human being is the most difficult to do, because people are not the same. From person to another have their preferences, beliefs and wills. To make it much clearer, let have a look in banking system. People prefer to save their money in conventional bank, because they will get return (interest charge). Either Muslim or non Muslim, they are human kind that have preferences, interests, and wills. The thing make them different is only the level of their beliefs (iman).
However, commercial transaction is one of mu’amalah ‘amah which people always do in their daily life. This transaction includes trading, leasing, investment and etc. Islam has described perfectly about trading and prohibited riba. Riba or interest is prohibited because riba covers any return of money on money, whether the interest is fixed or floating, simple or compounded, and at whatever rate.
Allah mentioned in the holy Quran about the prohibition of riba. For instance, Al Baqarah (2) 278 -279 O ye who believe! Fear Allah, and give up what remains of your demand for usury if ye are indeed believers. If ye do it not, take notice of war from Allah and his Messenger but if ye present, ye shall have your capital sums: deal not unjustly, and ye shall not be dealt with unjustly.
Not only Quran has mentioned the prohibition of riba, but the Bible and the Torah also mentioned it. For example, in Bible Levitus (25): 35-37 (God said) if one of your countrymen becomes poor and is unable to support himself among you, help him as you would an alien or a temporary resident, so he can continue to live among you. Do not take interest of any kind from him, but fear your God, so that your countryman may continue to live among you. You must not lend him money at interest or sell him food at a profit.
In a nutshell, all of religions support the justice and fairness in trading or without riba. To illustrate that, in order to achieve the justice and fairness, Allah asked us to write down the contracts which related to future obligation. It is mentioned in verse Al Baqarah: 282 O ye believe! when ye deal with each other, in transactions involving future obligations in fixed period of time, reduce them to writing, let a scribe write down faithfully as between the parties.
In this case the proper complete recording the contract is an accounting. Accounting in Islamic perspective can be defined as the process of identifying, measuring and communicating economic and other relevant information inspired by Islamic worldview and ethics, and complies with Islamic law –in order to permit informed judgments and decisions by potential and expected users of information to enhance social welfare and seek mardhatillah (blessing of Allah).
At the same time, it is because accounting is an area of human activity which tends to be regarded by some of its practitioners as neutral and value free, a reporting function which requires the application of complex technical requirements but not moral involvement beyond adherence to a set of precepts in the form of an ethical code.
So, what about Islamic accounting, is there Islamic accounting or it is as same as accounting conventionally. A word of Islam already explained shortly in the beginning. Now, have a look at the similarities and differences between Islamic and conventional accounting must be better before showing the evidences which support the existence of Islamic accounting.
First of all, let examine the similarities between them. For example, either conventional or Islamic accounting, recognize bonds, but in Islamic model bonds are treated with special conditions which must complied by shariah. Islamic bonds are known as sukuk . The difference between sukuk and bond is bonds are guaranteed by issuer and sukuk are not and riba is not considered in sukuk. In term of using time period, Anglo-American and Islamic model use it. This due to time period is very crucial in recognition, measurement and disclosure matters.
On the other hand, there are differences between Anglo-American and Islamic models. Obviously, in the case of accounting ethics and legalistic orientation Islamic model stress on religious values because the law is used in Islamic model is based on shariah law. Whilst, conventional use common law. Not only that, but also Islamic model put in it Islamic ethics which does not exist in Anglo-American model like, fear God whenever people deal with each other and Islamic financial contract is required at least 2 truthful witnesses to check and ensure proper accountability the rights, obligations all the parties.
Generally, no differences between both of them, Islamic accounting uses the same double entry bookkeeping as conventional does. The thing make them different is Islamic accounting bears Islamic values in it. For example, as mentioned in verse Al Baqarah (2) 177 Allah defined that any aspects of life cannot be separated from Islamic values, tawhid which leads people to fear God in dealing with others. Once people fear God, they will record and deal with each other carefully because they are accountability in front of Allah in the hereafter.
Nevertheless, in order to know the existence of something, people need to go back to the history because, history tells us what the purpose and how life must to be. As a Muslim the holy Quran and the Hadith are two primary sources of Islamic law. Since the word “Islamic” hangs into accounting in this case, the evidence of existence of Islamic accounting will not far away from Islam as a religion, and the previous ummah (in the era of prophet Muhammad saw , Sahabah and Ttabi’in).
It is widely known that the holy Quran contains many sources which needed by his ummah. Regarding Islamic accounting, Quran has mentioned about another type of accounting which looks after the accountability of human behavior. As showed in verse Maryam (19) 93-95 Not one of the beings in the heavens and the earth but must come to (God) Most Gracious as a servant. He does take an account of them (all), and hath numbered them (all) exactly. And everyone of them will come to Him singly on the Day of Judgment. Meaning that, people have to be careful about what they intend to do and they have done in the past because they will be asked about them in yaum al hisab (The Day of Judgment ).This is a kind of another dimension of accounting record in Islam which another religions do not have. Another accounting record in the holy Quran is, as explained in verse al Qamar (54) 53 Every matter, small and great is on record.
The purpose of recording is to show the result later on as fairly and justice as possible. In Islam the angels of Allah Raqib and ‘Atid, keep recording humankind’s acts. Allah said in verse Anbiya’ (21) 47 We shall set up scales of justice for the Day of Judgment, so that not soul will be dealt with unjustly in the least, and if there be (no more than) the weight of mustard seed, we will bring it (to account): and enough are We take account. This reminds us about the judgment of Allah will be very just and fair later on in the hereafter which no one can deny it. Definitely, no one will be judged unfairly at that time, because there is no as perfect as Allah’s law in this world.
At the same time, recording something is making it as documentary. It will become a proof of all the actions that people have done in this world. Similarly to an accounting record which writing down everything happened, all the rights and obligations all parties. Besides, it will become a documentary to all parties which will remind them about the contracts. As Ali (RA) said indeed there is angels of Allah go down to the world every day to write down all the actions of bani Adam. And the aim recording also is to be a reliable reference of what happened in the past. This aim to make the one who be the subject of recording believe what he has done in the past, and without fail no one can deny it. Allah has explained it also in verse Yasin (36) 65 That day shall we set a seal on their mouths. But their hands will speak to Us, and their feet bear witness to all that they did.
Somehow, it has been said that Luca Pacioli, a math scientist, from Italy was the one who found the double entry keeping in 1494, 13th century. Actually, it cannot be denied also that an accounting subject is not something new in Muslim society. From 9th century to 15th there was a Muslim scholar, Qudamah bin Ja’far died in 918, has written a book about Kitabat Al Amwal in title Al Kharaj Wa San’atul Kitabah. This evidence shows us that at that time accounting was known in Islam and it proves the existence of an Islamic accounting.
In other words, even if Luca Pacioli is the one who established the double entry, 3 centuries earlier before he established it Muslim society already has established how to record the property (Kitabat Al Amwal). At that time Muslim society has grown steeply especially in era of prophet in all aspects, politics, administrations, financial, accounting and etc. Baitul mal was there and the simple function of baitul mal was to check and count sadaqah. For example, Huzaifah bin Yaman wrote and count zakat al mal of Zubair bin ‘Awam. It continued functionally until the era of the first caliph, Abu Bakr As Siddiq and second caliph, ‘Umar bin khattab. The nature of baitul mal since its established was generally in function. For instance, if there is a Muslim died and without leaving heir, baitul mal will inherit his wealth.
People were familiar with bai’ murabahah, mudarabah, ijarah. Of course, the contracts at that time were not as complicated as now. It can be seen in Mukhtasar Kitab Al Um Fi Fiqh As Syafi’I and Al Fatawa Al Kubro Al Fiqhiah Fi Mazhab Al Imam As Syafi’I, the writers explained about al ijarah, mudarabah, and bai murabahah. The student of Imam Ibn Hajz, Abd Qodir bin Ahmad bin ‘Ali died in 982 H, casted light upon those contracts. The facts above support an Islamic accounting is not a new matter. In other words, people are aware and use it as their reference in dealing with each other. Therefore, based on the evidences above I would like to say an Islamic accounting does exist.
Nowadays, Economic has grown dramatically, compared to the times of prophet. Undoubtedly, the situations and problems change from time to time. Mudarabah, bai’ murabahah, and ijarah are not as simple as before. In addition, accounting matter faces new problem, as the society has changed. Moreover, in order to deal with it people need to survive and address those obstacles of life.
As mentioned before about the similarities and the differences between Islamic and conventional accounting, the two different things cannot be mixed together, although they have similarities. For example in conventional model they use interest, whilst Islamic do not and both of them use bookkeeping double entry. Another example is Muslim and non-Muslim investors have a same goal on their investments which is to increase their wealth and get return on it.
In addition, the beginning toward Islamic accounting is when Islamic bank become much interested by people, especially Muslims. During the last two decades a number of Islamic banks have gone up. Nowadays, there are over 150 such institutions all over the world. They realized that the conventional accounting concepts and practices need to be standardized and redefined to meet their needs. The reason behind it is because financial statement is one of the way how stakeholders analyze and evaluate of financial institution.
At the same time, financial statement must be reliable, relevant and comparability between one institution to another. Thus In my opinion, we do really need Islamic accounting in order to make distinction between Islamic and conventional bank in their financial statements. This is due to the differences how they treat accounting product, for instance, Islamic leasing (ijarah) and conventional leasing. They are alike in case of leasing both of them are using leasing contract, but not the same, in term of bearing repairment cost in ijarah it is borne by lessor and in conventional leasing borne by lessee and other impermissible transactions like Gharar. Based on those reasons, I would say Islamic accounting is needed to fulfill such requirements.
Another reason why we need Islamic accounting is Islam encourages his follower to be balance between world and the hereafter. As mentioned in verse of Al Qasash (28)77: But seek, with the (wealth) which God has bestowed on thee, the Home of the Hereafter, nor forget thy portion in this world. It can be derived from this verse that people have to do everything in balance for their needs in this world and hereafter. Dealing with each other must be done and recorded properly in order to make it as fair and just as possible. As a result, a proper Islamic accounting is needed to meet their complementary.
Both of them have different objectives and they are pursued people to establish different way of recording. In addition, any working must have clear objective in order to assist people in implementing it and achieve precise goals. Similarly to Islamic financial accounting, it has objectives which will become his vision in its implications. For example, Islamic banks must comply with the principles of shariah in all their financial. While conventional do not. At the same time, the objectives of financial accounting for Islamic banks would achieve many benefits like the objectives will assist Islamic banks, in the absence of accepted accounting standard, in making choices among alternative accounting treatment.
Finally, zakat is one of issue that conventional does not have. The payment of zakah is one of the pillars of Islam. Theoretically zakat is levied on the net worth of accumulated wealth and it will be given for purpose, it is explained specifically in the Quran (9:60), basically to help the poor. In addition, the prohibition of interest, impermissible contracts like Gharar and Maysir in Islam also reflects the way how Islamic bank operates. Another two objectives of accounting information are based on upon inferred general requirements which will be referred to as social accountability and full disclosure.
In conclusion, Islam is a complete and comprehensive religion and pays more attention in his follower actions. As followers, the submission to Allah by following what has allowed and leaving the forbidden things is the main goal, receive blessing of Allah. Besides, people must implement shari’ah law in their actions especially when dealing with each other. In addition, Halal and Haram are clear and between them Mcbhatt which do not know the truth. Similarly to Islamic and conventional accounting they are alike but, not the same. Because of that people need proper accounting in order to fulfill their needs in Islamic banking fields. Wallahu a’lam

‘Abd qodir Bin Ahmad Bin ‘Ali, (1971) Al Fatawa Al Kubro Al Fiqhiah ‘Ala Mazhab Imam As Syafi’I : Dar al kotob Al islamiyah.
Syauqi Ismail Shehatah (1987) Nadzriyah Al Muhasabah Al Maliyah min Mandzur Islamy : Azzahra lil I’laam Al Araby.
Husain Abdul Hamid Nil, (1967) Mukhtasar Kitab Al um Fi Fiqh Al Imam As Syafi’I Abi Abdillah Muhammad Bin Idris : Dar Al arqom.
AAOIFI, Statement of Financial Accounting (SFA) 1 (Accounting Objectives), Manama Bahrain.
Bala, S., Vignesen, P.,& Alfieya Hanuum, R.(2005) Issues in Islamic Accounting : University Putra Malaysia Press.
Abdul Rahman, A.R (2006) “ An Islamic Perspective of Accounting Objectives and Concepts”, New Horizon, Institute of Islamic Banking and Insurance, London.
El -Tegani, A.A (1994) “ Accounting Postulates and Principles from an Islamic Perspective “. Review of Islamic Economics, Vol.3, No.2.
Daud Vicary ,A., Keon Chee (2010) Islamic Finance Why It Makes Sense , Marshall Cavendish Business.
Triwayuno, Iwan (2006) Menyibak Akuntansi Syariah : Kreasi Wacana.
Baydoun, N and Wallet, R (1997) Islam and Accounting : Ethical Issues in the Presentation of Financial Information. Journal Accounting, Commerce&Finance : The Islamic Perspective.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Segoblok itukah diriku

Yang kuraskn saat ini hanyalah rasa sedih yang mendalam..,kegagalan itu datang menimpa diriku lagi di tempat yang sama. Aq seperti pepatah bilang Jatuh dilobang yang sama. Ntah, dimana letak kesalahan itu dan kenapa kegagalan itu datang ketika aq sangat menginginkan sebuah keberhasilan..

Orang bilang kegagalan adalah sebuah kesuksesan yang tertunda tapi, apakah selalu mengalami kegagalan di bidang yg sama juga termasuk sebuah kesuksesan kesuksesan yang bener bener tertunda. Berarti semakin banyak kita mengalami kegagaln itu tandanya semakin banyak kesuksesan yg menunggu di masa depan.gituh...?.Tp, sayangnya aq tdk percaya dengan hal itu smua..,

Kalo gagal ya udah, itu tandanya lu yang bloon alias goblok...Seharusnya lu mempersiapkan dirimu yang mateng seblm menghadapi Ujian., atw kalo ngerasa ngga mampu alias ini bukan bidangmu ngapain coba2 masuk disini..benerkah jln pikiranku ??

Selain itu, apakah faktor x itu bener2 ada ??.. udah deh ga perlu belajar, banyak2 ajha berdoa.kan Ud'ulii astajib lakum kata Allah..,

Ngga habis pikir usaha yang telah kulakukan hampir 2 thn., hasilnya hanya ini.... ? dimana letak keadilan itu ? dan dimana letak kesalahanku ?
Kalo emang aq salah melangkah, kenapa Engkau mentakdirkan diriku disini ? kenapa aq harus ktrima disini ?..

يارب إني مجرد عبادك الذس مليء بالمعصية ولكن مهما كانت خطيئتي أريد المغفرة لاتجعل الذنوب يحير حياتي. ولاتجعل الدنيا أكبر همي ولا مبلغ علمي ولاتدعلنا ذنبا إلا غفرته ولا طالبا إلا نجحته

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

التمرد في أدب الحداثة

ياجماعة أنا عاوز باولكو علي حاجة دية عن التمرد في أدب الحداثة

في بداية كلامي عن هذا الموضوع باوللكو إن هذا المقال ألخص من كتاب الأدب الذي ألفه دكتور إبراهيم محمد قاسم الأستاذ المساعد بكلية اللغة العربية جامعة الأزهر

طيب,كما عرفنا الحداثة لها معان كتيرة جدا علي حسب من أي جهة تترجم معني الحداثة.من المعلوم أن الحداثة هي نقيض القدم والشيئ الحديث هو الجديد ,والحدوث نفسه بالضم الحاء كون الشيئ بعد أن لم يكن والحداثة تعني أيضا بمعني التطور والتجديد والحداثة بمعناها الأدبي تعني الاستفادة من كل جديد ولكن مفهوم الحداثة الأن لم يعد إثراء الصناعة والأدب, إنماهبط مضمون كلمة الحداثة لتنحصر فيحيزالشعر ويصبح معاناها الأن أن يعمد الشعراء إلي أدب الغرب فيتخذوهامنهجا ونموذجاو فينفس الوقت نفسة أن يعمدو إلي شعراء العربي فيهدمو عموده ويمزقو موسيقاه ويتجاهلوا عناصره الفنية ومناهجه الأخلاقية وأسرار البلاغة.هذه هي النقطة المهمة الذي ساوريكم.أن الحداثيين العربيين مجرد اتباع المنهج الحداثيين الغربيين دون أن يعمدوا علي أساس الأدب الحقيقي

والحداثة تعد إفرازا للدنية الغربية والحداثة ظهرت خلال الفترة الواقعة بين نهاية النصف الأول من القرن التاسع عشر والربع الأول من القرن العشرين ويعد الحداثيون أن ابانواس وأباتمام رائد علي الشعر العربي لأنهما لهما طريقة خاصة في تمسك الأساس الأدب أما أبو نواس يتكسك بأوزان الخليل ولغة قطرب تلميذ سيبويه ومرد إعجاب القدماء بأبي نواس أنه كان متمردا عليالقيم الأخلاقية وفيثورةه علي الدين وأماإعجابهم بأبي تمام فمرده ألي الغموض وكثرة مايورد ممايحتاج ألي استنباط وشرح
والحداثيو يدعون إلي التلفلت من كل قيمة أو مبدأ والخروج علي الدين والاخلاق والثورة علي الموروث القديم من أعلام الحداثة المشهورين هم :جان بول سارتر شاعر وأديب وفيلسوف ماركسي, ت.س. اليوت أمريكي, بودلير, بدر شاكر السياب , خليل حاوي , أدونيس , عبد الوهابالبياتي شاعر عراقي , محدمود دوروي شاعر فلسطيني , محمد الفيتوري شاعر سوداني , صلاح عبد الصبور
تمرد الحداثيون في أدب الحداثة علي أربعة مجال هي تمرد علي الدين, تمرد علي الأخلاق والقيم , تمرد علي اللغة , تمرد علي الأوزان والقوافي
ومن أمثلة تمرد الحداثيين علي الدين
يقول عبد الوهاب في شعره
الله في بيتي يبيعه اليهود
الله مدينتي مشرد طريد
أراده الغزاة أنيكون
لهم أجيرا شاعرا قواد
يخدع في قيثاره المدهب العباد
لكنه أصيب بالجنون
لأنه أراد أن يصون
زنابق الحقول من جرادهم
أرادا أن يكون

هل هناك ضلال علي الله بمتل هذه الصورة ؟

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Ilmu PengetahUan

Ternyata DINOSAURUS bisa berenang juga loh...>_<

Tau ga kalian bahwa makhluk hidup yang namanya dinosaurus,makhluk yg katanya dulu pernah menghuni bumi ini ternyata bisa berenang juga loh..neh saya kutip dari majlah Al 'araby edisi bulan juli 2008 yang mengatakan bahwa dinosaurus punya kemampuan untuk berenang.

Para ilmuan alam mengatakan bahwa mereka menemukan jejak kaki dinosaurus dan jejak itu menunjukkan dalil yang kuat bahwa sebagian dinosaurus tenyata punya kemampuan untuk berenang..Dan dikatakn pula bahwa jejak kaki dinosaurus tersebut yang panjangnya 15m.Dan ditemukan juga beberapa bekas jejak kaki dinosaurus di kedalam laut di kameruus di asbania jejak kaki itu mennjukkan kalo dinasurus itu berenang.karena terlihat jelas gesekan2 kaki dinosaurus dijejak itu.

Ada jejak kaki yang diketemukan menyerupai huruf S yang menunjukkan kalo dinosaurus tersebut mengais2 kakiknya didasar laut dengan kedua kakikanya.Sebagian para ilmuan mengatakan yang hasil penelitiannya telah disebarluaskan dimajalah Geologia dan tulisan tersebut telah diterjemahkan kebanyak bahasa termasuk yang kutulis ini hehhehe dikatakan bahwa jejak kaki dinosaurus yang ditemukan itu berumur lebih kurang 125 juta taon loh.Jejak kai dinosaurus yang diketemukan tersebut adalah jejakkai dinosaurus yang suka makin daging hehhe atau dinosaurus pemakan daging aja jadi bukan semua dinosaurus loh yang bisa berenang...

tuh bisa diliat sendiri jejak kaiknya

tuh bekas kaisan kakinya

dAri gambar diatas dapat disimpulkan jelas banget kan sesuatu kalo dia itu makhluk hidup dan bisa nyebur di aer ga dengan gaya batu maksudnya kalo nyebur ga tenggelam maka makhluk hidup itu bisa berenang...>_<
Dinosaurus yang gede and beratnya segitu ajah bisa berenang kok aq ga bisa yach hehehhe....

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

صدقني خلاص












Saturday, June 21, 2008

رفع اليدين عند دعاء في الخطبة الثانية في صلاة الجمعة

sudah kita ketahui bersama bahwasanya mengangkat tangan ketika berdoa adalah sesuatu yang disahkan oleh syariat dan itu juga termasuk adab dalam berdoa menunjukkan ke khudu'an kita sebagai seorang hamba dihadapan Allah sang Maha Pencipta..Tapi,apakah termasuk yang disahkan oleh syariat kita mengangkat tangan ketika kita berdoa di khutbah kedua dalam solat jumat dan saya yakin para pembaca sering melihat dan mungkin melakukannya ketika sholat jumat coz neh solat sehari dalam semingu tapi ga tau kalo para pembaca solat jumatnnya datengnya ketika iqomah dikumandangkan hehhe

'ala kulli hal saya disini hanya sekedar menyodorkan serta memberi sesuatu yang mungkin banyak diantara kita tidak mengetahui akan hal ini dan sebenarnya masalahn ini bukanlah suatu masalah yang gede sih tapi sebagai seorang muslim yang kita semua mengikrarkan bahwa tiada Tuhan selain Allah dan bahwa Nabi Muhammad Saw adalah utusanNya.

Dan sudah sepatutnyalah kita sebagai ummat Nabi kita Muhammad saw untuk mengerjakan apa yang sudah dicontohkan olehnya baik itu langsung dari perkataan beliau atau disebut juga dengan sunnah qouliyah maupun dari perilaku yang dikerjakan beliau atau yang sering disebut dengan sunnah fi'liyah.Dan mungkin juga dari taqrir rasul Saw atas permasalahan yang dilihat beliau..

Mengangkat tangan ketika berdoa pada saat khutbah kedua ketika solat jumat sebenarnya tidak ada dalil yang mensahkan hal ini baik itu untuk imam maupun para makmum bahkan Rasul saw tidak pernah melakukannya. dengan dalil2 sebagai berikut :

1.Diriwayatkan dari 'imarah bin ruayyah bahwa beliau melihat basyar bin marwaan mengangkat tangannya ketika beliau khutbah jumat berkatalah Rasulullah sAw sesungguhnya Allah swt merendahkan derajat kedua tangannnya

2.Didalam buku Al-ikhtiyaraat al-fiqhiyah dari fatwanya ibnu taimiyah hal80/yang telah ditahqiiq oleh Hamiid alfaqi/cetakan Darul fikr..dikatakan bahwa dimakruhkan seorang imam mengangkat kedua tanggannya ketika berdoa dikhubah keduanya.

3.Perkataannya Syaikh ibnu 'utsaimiin.Mengatakan bahwa mengangkat tangan ketika berdoa adalah sebuah adab sanh hamba untuk meminta kepada Sang khalikNya dn menunjukkan bahwasanya sang hamba adalah seorang yang fakir dan hanyalah kepadaNyalah tempat memohon permintaan.kecuali ada dalil yang menunjukkan bahwa kebolehan mangankat tangan ketika berdoa itu.dan mengangkat tangan ketika berdoa di khutbah kedua ketika solat jumat ada dalil yang mengingkari suatu kebolehan tersebut..seperti yang terjadi pada basyar bin marwaan.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

16 januari 2008

Hari ini emang hari yang sangat aq sebeli ya walaupun Cuma gara2 tadi ujian yang maddahnya manhaj da’wah aq ga bisa njawab dan sebenarny aaq bisa njawab, tapi aq g yakin apa yang aq jawab soalnya ya aq bener2 lupa walaupun ada yang inget ya ituh dikt2 ya aq Cuma bisa berdoa yang penting aq dah berusaha melakukan yang terbaik.serta aq dah berusaha mang bener2 berusaha untuk membagi waktuku.Dan aq ga bisa nyalhin gara2 aq sibuk les di nil jadi aq ketinggalan gimana aq mo maju kalo aq terus berpikiran kayak gituh.

Ntah lah sebenarnya ituh semua dah baca tuh semua buku dan padahal bukunya hanya satu buku yang ga lebih dari 300 dah baca bahkan dah aq ringkes dan yang menjadi kelemahanq ampe skrang hanyalah ntuk menghapal apa yang aq tulisdalam buku ringkasan ku tuh.mang yang namaya menghapal satu hal yang paling susah dan bagiku tuh harus membutuhkan waktu yang banyak.Dan sebenarnya aq juga bisa nyalahin alahar yang ga terlalu memperhatikan kepahaman seorang mahasiswa dalam muhadloroh yang penting azhar taunya kita bisa njawab soal ituh dah cukup kali ye...dan iyuh semua hanylh iiranku aja loh dan aq juga ga tau apakah mahasiswa yang disini juga berpikiran seperti apa yang aq pikirkan.

Dan aq selalu mengikitu hawa nafsuku, malesku aq ga bis ngelawan ituh semua.ampe sekarang aq sellau dan elalu berpikir kok aku bisa seperti ini semain tinggi sekolahku kok aq semakin bodoh kayaknya aq ini baangin aja waktu smp ato mts q bisa emnjadi bintanbg kelas, ya walaupun menjadi bintang kelas ituh bukan suatu jaminan bahwa aqlah yang paling pandai dari semua orang pada saat ituh.Dan waktu aq sma aq inget perkataan dari salah satu ustzku nth apakah dia ngomongnya serius apa hanya sekedar ngomong soalnya waktu ituh temen2 banyak yang ngerpek plus nyontek kalo ujian.dia ngomong murid itu ada yang ketika dia ssd dia orang yang paling pinter di sekolahnya.

Dan semkain naek tingkat pendiidkannya semakin bodoh juga dia maksudnya kalo ketika sd dia bisa menjadi bintang semakin atas dia malah bukan jadi bintang kelas akan tetapi dikit sedikit malah bobrok.Dan ada juga oranag yang semakian keatas dia semakin pinter..kayaknya mang aq adalah orang yang semakin keatas aq semakin ga jelas apa gara2 aq yang g abisa istiqomah dan mungkin juga aq terlalu sombong terhadap ilmu padahal ilmu yang diberikan kemanusia ituh hanyalah setetes dari aer yang ada dilautan ituh untuk orang yang paling cerdas apalagi hanya orang yang kayaka q pas2 sann..Ya allah aq hanya pengen membahagiakan ortuku ituh aja yang aq pengen dan aq ga mau mngecewakan ortuku .aq ga mau njadi anak yang mbangkanag kepadanya..>_<